Jon and Jacklyn Gray welcomed United States Marine Corp Scout Sniper School West Coast Instructors during the game in Los Angeles

Jon and Jacklyn Gray graciously hosted the instructors from the United States Marine Corps Scout Sniper School West Coast during a recent game in Los Angeles, demonstrating their strong support and appreciation for the armed forces.

The event marked a special occasion where the Grays extended their hospitality to these esteemed military personnel, recognizing their dedication and service to the country. 

As influential figures in their community, Jon and Jacklyn Gray have often shown their commitment to honoring and supporting members of the armed forces, and this gathering was another testament to their ongoing efforts.

Amidst the excitement of the game, the Grays took the opportunity to personally welcome and express gratitude to the Marine Corps Scout Sniper School West Coast Instructors. They provided a warm and welcoming environment, ensuring that the instructors felt appreciated and valued for their contributions.

The presence of the military personnel added a meaningful dimension to the event, highlighting the important role of community support and recognition for those who serve in the armed forces. 

It was a moment of camaraderie and mutual respect, where the Grays and the instructors shared stories and experiences, further strengthening the bond between civilians and military members.