Jokic’s father had to persuade his NBA champion son to prioritize basketball over horse racing

Nikola Jokic, the celebrated NBA champion and multiple-time MVP, is renowned for his unique blend of size, skill, and basketball intelligence that has made him one of the league’s most formidable players. However, Jokic’s journey to basketball stardom was not without its diversions. One of the most significant challenges in his early life was his deep passion for horse racing, a love that nearly eclipsed his basketball career. It was only through the persistent guidance and persuasion of his father, Branislav Jokic, that Nikola was able to prioritize basketball over horse racing, setting him on the path to greatness.

Growing up in Sombor, Serbia, Nikola Jokic was immersed in both basketball and horse racing from a young age. The Jokic family owned horses, and Nikola developed a strong attachment to them. He spent countless hours at the stables, caring for and racing horses, finding immense joy and fulfillment in the sport. His connection to horse racing was profound, and it became a significant part of his identity and daily life.

Simultaneously, Jokic displayed a natural aptitude for basketball. His talent was evident to anyone who watched him play, and he quickly became one of the most promising young players in Serbia. His skills on the court were undeniable: he had an extraordinary ability to see plays develop before they happened, a rare combination of size and agility, and a deft shooting touch. Despite this, his heart was equally tied to horse racing, creating a tug-of-war between his two passions.

As Jokic grew older, the need to choose between these two pursuits became more pressing. His father, Branislav, recognized Nikola’s exceptional potential in basketball and the opportunities it could bring. He saw that basketball could offer a career filled with accomplishments and financial stability, far beyond what horse racing could realistically provide. However, convincing Nikola to shift his focus entirely to basketball was no easy task.

Branislav’s approach was patient and understanding. He knew that demanding Nikola abandon horse racing abruptly would be counterproductive. Instead, he engaged in heartfelt conversations with his son, emphasizing the potential that basketball held for him. He highlighted the unique gifts Nikola had been blessed with and how dedicating himself to basketball could lead to an extraordinary career. Branislav painted a picture of a future where Nikola could excel on the global stage, achieve his dreams, and still find ways to stay connected to horse racing in a less consuming manner.

These discussions were pivotal. They were not about dismissing Nikola’s passion for horses but about helping him see the bigger picture. Branislav’s wisdom and foresight played a crucial role in shaping Nikola’s decisions. Slowly but surely, Nikola began to see the merits of focusing on basketball. He realized that while horse racing could remain a beloved hobby, basketball was his true calling and the key to his future.