Official: Jason Kidd call for offensive support

After a hard-fought matchup against the L.A. Clippers, Dallas Mavericks head coach Jason Kidd addressed the offensive dynamics of the team in a post-game statement. Despite standout performances from key players like Tim Hardaway Jr., Luka Doncic, and Kyrie Irving, Kidd emphasized the need to involve other players and diversify the offensive contributions.


“You look at the stat sheet, Timmy [Tim Hardaway Jr.], LD [Luka Doncic], and Kai [Kyrie Irving], those were the guys that pretty much carried us offensively,” Kidd acknowledged. “But we have to get other guys involved [and] they have to knock down shots.”


In dissecting the game, Kidd pointed out the impressive offensive contributions from Hardaway, Doncic, and Irving, acknowledging their pivotal roles in carrying the team’s scoring load. However, he stressed the importance of expanding the offensive responsibilities to ensure a more balanced and unpredictable attack.


The call to get other players involved underscores the team’s commitment to building a well-rounded offensive strategy, with contributions coming from various members of the roster. Kidd’s remarks highlight the team’s aspirations to create a dynamic and multifaceted offensive approach, ultimately enhancing their competitiveness in future matchups.