Supporters Are Astonished That LeBron James Pretended To Pass Christian Wood A Blunt During The Game

It’s possible that LeBron James is the world’s funniest NBA player. James appeared to approach Christian Wood during the Lakers vs. Rockets game, gesturing to smoke something before giving Wood the hypothetical object.

Making reference to the incident in which Bronny shared an Instagram story while puffing on a joint, another fan mockingly referred to LeBron as a terrible influence.

James is not a good role model, according to what another fan attempted to say.

He’s the goat, a fan claimed, so he deserves to do this.

For this reason, the majority of people were merely referring to LeBron as the league’s funniest player.

James might be alluding to so many different things with this. Did he smoke that pack of rockets? Unlikely, since the Lakers were behind at the time, he made the gesture, and the game was still in progress. Is it an allusion to smoking a shot or a layup? Perhaps, but it just feels so arbitrary and unexpected.

We are aware that the majority of NBA players are no longer concerned about marijuana, particularly since the league no longer prohibits use. However, LeBron hasn’t supported cannabis use and has only ever been spotted smoking cigars.

The Lakers are fighting fiercely against the Rockets. They have already defeated LA in their previous meeting this season, which was the Lakers’ worst defeat to date. They do have Anthony Davis this time around; two minutes into the third quarter, he has 14 points. James and Davis are splitting the offensive responsibilities as the Lakers trail 55-49 at home.

Cannabis Use in the NBAFor years, the league was reluctant to permit marijuana use until the bubble brought about adjustments that are now set in stone. For many years, marijuana was prohibited by the league, and players who tested positive for the drug might face fines and punishments. This stigmatised the substance that NBA players used pretty frequently, even if it didn’t stop many players from using it in the 1990s and 2000s.

During the Orlando Bubble, the league instituted a short-term policy permitting players to forego marijuana testing. It made sense to permit it then to keep players in the bubble happy, as they were all caged up in hotel rooms and not allowed to do much of anything outside of basketball. But the league never reverted to the previous policy of prohibiting it.

Kevin Durant asserts that he spoke with Adam Silver and helped get the drug approved.

“I really gave Adam Silver a call and urged him to remove marijuana from the list of prohibited narcotics. It seemed to be spreading over the nation and the globe, in my opinion. It no longer carried the same bad stigma as it formerly did. It has no adverse effects on you. He concurred. That’s all I like about the plant, nothing else.”

As one of the league’s most outspoken smokers at the moment, Durant is a good example of how drugs shouldn’t stop athletes from realising their full potential. The NBA is letting its players use marijuana recreationally in addition to medically, a move that the rest of sports will likely take time to adopt.

Years ago, the league’s public face would have been suspended for making reference to marijuana use during a live broadcast, but today it’s just a hilarious moment.