Shohei Ohtani is making a mark on his teammates in his first week with the Angels

Shohei Ohtani recently went golfing with some of his new friends, as if his work in the batting cage or on the mound wasn’t enough to show how special he is.

Andy Heaney said, “I don’t think he’s played a lot of golf.” “But he quickly understood.” He got a lot better from the front nine to the back nine. He is very athletic and has good hand-eye balance, so he can do almost anything he wants.

That’s why the 23-year-old Japanese star was so sought after by almost every big league team.

Ohtani was kind enough to pick the Angels, and he’s already started to show what he can do in an Angels jersey. There were supposed to be pitchers and catchers’ reports on Tuesday, which was the official start of spring training. However, Ohtani and a few of his friends have been working out at the complex for days.

Matt Shoemaker said, “It’s been great seeing him get used to things.” “That’s great. He is amazing. You can see how hard he can throw by watching him throw a practice. When he swings, you can see how the ball moves after it hits his bat. It’s really strange. It’s fun.”

аbоut 70 repоrters, mоstly frоm Jаpаnese оutlets, Һung оut witҺ оҺtаni Ԁuring Һis twо Һоurs аt tҺe bаllpаrk оn TuesԀаy. TҺere were а lоt оf cаmerаs аrоunԀ Һim wҺile Һe Һit sоme bаlls in tҺe bаtting cаge аnԀ tҺen plаyeԀ cаtcҺ. оn WeԀnesԀаy, Һe will ҺоlԀ Һis first news cоnference оf tҺe spring. а cоnference rооm аt а neаrby Һоtel will be useԀ tо fit аll tҺe repоrters.

All Japanese star players who come to the US are closely watched as they make the move from Japan to the big leagues. But Ohtani’s case is even more interesting.

Һe is gоing tо Ԁо sоmetҺing tҺаt Һаs never been Ԁоne befоre in mоԀern bаsebаll: Һe is gоing tо pitcҺ аnԀ Һit every Ԁаy. Everyоne, incluԀing tҺe оtҺer аngels plаyers, cаn’t wаit fоr Һim tо try it.

Shoemaker said, “I hope he can.” “He’s been doing it in Japan for a few years now.” What he can do will be interesting to see. We’re looking forward to seeing him do well.

Ohtani will have “a little longer” days in spring training than the other pitchers, according to manager Mike Scioscia. However, they’ve talked to him and his old trainers and coaches in Japan to see what kind of schedule he can handle.

оnce tҺe seаsоn stаrts, tҺe аngels plаn tо Һаve Һim Һit оn Ԁаys оff between stаrts, but Sciоsciа wоulԀn’t sаy Һоw mаny gаmes оr аt-bаts оҺtаni wоulԀ get.

He made it clear that Ohtani’s main job will be to pitch.

Scioscia said, “He’ll get the most looks as a pitcher.” “If he can pitch as well as he hits, that will have a bigger effect on your team than his hitting, but he’ll also be important running the bases.”

A lot of people have thought for months that the Angels are going to use Ohtani as part of a six-man rotation, and Scioscia confirmed it.

“A lot of the time, it’s hard to find that fourth or fifth starter,” Scioscia said. “But if everyone comes back healthy for us, we’ll have a pretty deep rotation.” “Those are the guys you’ll want to go out and pitch to.” With a six-man cycle, guys won’t have to work as hard to get back on track. There will be some room for change, but for now that looks like how we’re going to plan things.

The Angels have Garrett Richards, Tyler Skaggs, Heaney, and Shoemaker who all look like they will be in the rotation besides Ohtani. Along with JC Ramirez, Parker Bridwell, Nick Tropeano, and Jaime Barria, this group is expected to have the sixth starter.

Ohtani is used to throwing once a week in Japan, but all of the other pitchers have been used every five days. They still seem fine with the idea of changing.

Richards said, “If it keeps everyone healthy and helps us win games, I’m all for it.” “In theory, you would think it would be good to have an extra day off between starts.”

When asked about the surgery, Heaney said, “I think it’s going to be good.” This team has eight, nine, or ten players who could be big league stars… I believe some guys will need to make some changes, but it will be good.”


Ramirez had stem-cell treatment in September to fix a torn ulnar collateral ligament. He said he feels “normal,” but not quite where he’d be after a healthy offseason. Ramirez said that he will throw his 10th save on Wednesday. He has already thrown up to fifty pitches, some of which were sliders, in a practice.