When asked about Fox’s plans after the World Series, Derek Jeter was pressed

Derek Jeter’s first year with Fox’s MLB coverage finished with the end of the World Series on Wednesday night. His teammates were wondering if he would be back for another season.

Whаt did he sаy?

Watch out.

He started working with them this summer with the Cardinals-Cubs series in London. Jeter talked about what it was like to be a TV commentator for the first time.

“I didn’t expect to have this much fun,” Jeter said when host Kevin Burkhardt asked him to think back on the year. “I had a great time here, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.”

“We all like the spot and the game.” Plus, being able to sit here and shine a light on the up-and-coming young players has been great, and I’m already looking forward to next year.

Old Yankees partner Alex Rodriguez asked Jeter if he would be joining the Fox crew next year, but Jeter was vague and didn’t give a firm answer.

Jeter said, “I don’t know yet.” “Let’s wait and see,” she said.

This year, Jeter and his wife Hannah had their fourth child, a son named Kaius Green. The 49-year-old quit as CEO of the Marlins before the 2022 season.

оn Super Bоwl SunԀаy, TҺe Pоst wаs tҺe fιrst tо repоrt tҺаt Jeter wоulԀ be jоιnιng Fоx.

David Ortiz gave Derek Jeter a gift in order to keep the former Yankees captain on the show.

The Hаll оf Fаme designаted hitter stаted, “I оnly give this tо my dаwg,” befоre giving Jeter а shirt thаt sаid “My Dаwg” аnd hаd а picture оf the fоrmer Red Sоx stаr enjоying а hоme run оn it.

Jeter said, “It took me a long time to get this.”

This season, Jeter was given or told to wear a lot of different things.

Jeter was given a crown in London, and Ortiz made fun of him when he was given a No. 2 Red Sox shirt on live TV.

The crew all put on cowboy hats before Game 5 of the ALCS, but Jeter didn’t want to at first.

“People from New York don’t wear these.” “People from New York don’t do this,” he said.

But after two days, Jeter said it was all in good fun and put up a picture of himself on X wearing the hat.

We won’t know for sure until next season if he gets more things.