Jayson Tatum on Fatherhood and Transitioning to the NBA Season

With the new NBA season on the horizon, Jayson Tatum, a four-time All-Star and renowned dad, took some time to discuss how life with his son Deuce changes when the offseason ends. Get ready for heartwarming insights into his journey as a parent.

May be an image of 2 people, people playing basketball and text that says 'Tatum ww a dad changes How being when season starts RINT UNFINISHED BUSINESS BOSTON CELTICS 2023 Just a warning. Prepare to have your heart warmed.'


Q: How does your life change the most when transitioning from the off-season to in-season?

A: Transitioning from the off-season to the in-season brings more structure and less travel. Surprisingly, summers can be busier than the season because there’s a schedule to follow during the NBA season. Even if it’s a hectic schedule, you know when the trips are coming up. In the summer, I have camps, brand events, and charity activities. I also try to visit my family in St. Louis and enjoy a bit of vacation. Between balancing business and pleasure, last-minute events always seem to pop up.

May be an image of ‎1 person, playing basketball and ‎text that says '‎"" ارار Even though this is my 7th season, it's still something that's not easy to deal with because you never want to miss those things. They grow up so fast.‎'‎‎


Q: How does fatherhood change with the start of the season?

A: Deuce is now in school, so there are days when I wake up at 6:30 am to get him ready and dressed for school, no matter what my daily responsibilities entail. Being a dad is my top priority, so regardless of my schedule, I always make time for him. Some of my fondest memories come from our car rides together.

May be an image of text that says '"" Being a dad is the most important thing to me, so no matter what my schedule is, I will always find time to spend with him.'


Q: During the off-season, what do you appreciate most about spending more time with Deuce?

A: The off-season is perfect for vacations, going back home to St. Louis with Deuce, and exploring international destinations. We love going to the beach and spending all day swimming, which he adores. It’s a wonderful feeling as a parent to provide these experiences for my son and show him the world in ways I didn’t get to as a child. Taking him back home and involving him in my basketball camps, back-to-school giveaways, and foundation’s golf events is crucial. I want him to be part of giving back to the community from a young age.

May be an image of 3 people, people playing basketball, basketball jersey and text


Q: What do you miss the most with Deuce when the season kicks off?

A: It’s tough, depending on our schedule, missing his birthday. There have been a few years when I couldn’t be with him on his special day. Additionally, not being able to attend every school event or basketball practice because we’re on the road is challenging. Even in my seventh season, it’s still not easy to deal with because you never want to miss those moments. Kids grow up so quickly.

May be an image of child and text that says '" " It's a great feeling as a parent knowing that I can help provide the things for my son and show him the world in a way that I didn't get to as a child.'


Q: What are the best parts of being Deuce’s dad during the season?

A: The best part is attending the games together. That’s where we’ve really bonded. He enjoys watching me play, coming to the games, running around in the arena, and playing in the locker room. Witnessing his growth, especially in the Garden, has been an incredible experience because we’ve essentially grown up there together.

Q: How do you change your routine from the off-season to the in-season? How do you stay focused?

A: I become more routine-based when the season starts, establishing a day-to-day schedule during the nine months of the season. During the summer, things are more flexible and less structured. It’s a time when we can relax and not worry so much about time. While I cherish the moments with Deuce around basketball, I also love watching him simply be a kid. Spending time in my mom’s backyard and doing non-basketball activities with him is something I truly enjoy.