Luka Dončić Edges Out Michael Jordan in Early Career Comparison

In the ongoing debate of Michael Jordan versus the young sensation Luka Dončić, a recent statistical comparison has ignited discussions among basketball enthusiasts. This face-off, using their achievements up to the age of 24, shows Dončić outshining the legendary Jordan in several categories.


Luka Dončić has managed to surpass the esteemed Michael Jordan in total points, total rebounds, total assists, total three-pointers, rebounds per game, assists per game, 3-point percentage, true shooting percentage, VORP (Value Over Replacement Player), and even boasts more playoff success.


On the other hand, Jordan holds a lead in points per game and field goal percentage. However, when evaluating the overall picture, it’s evident that Dončić has emerged as the frontrunner.


The Slovenian prodigy has also triumphed in regular-season win percentage and All-Star/All-NBA appearances, showcasing a bright and promising career ahead with 13 All-Star appearances compared to Jordan’s two.


While it’s imperative to remember that these statistics capture only the first part of Dončić’s career, the young star has already proven himself as an elite talent, setting high standards for the years to come. As discussions around this debate continue, it’s clear that Dončić’s name is etching itself into the history of basketball alongside the legendary Michael Jordan.