At Heat media day, Jimmy Butler dazzles with a new appearance

The offseason for Jimmy Butler didn’t go as expected.

Does he have his feelings for Damian Lillard… on his head after his Miami Heat team lost the sweepstakes? The Heat All-Star made a surprise appearance on Monday at media day.

Butler declared, “I’m emo,” in reference to his new hairstyle. “… I am in this emotional state. “I am not separate from my emotions. That’s what you get, then.”

Butler gave no further details about his new hairdo. He did not specify the duration of the gaze either. He also debuted a new look at the media day for the previous season, wearing what he characterized as dreadlocks. Though they were lost to the season, they continued to exist in his press photos. Actually, he politely asked last season that ESPN keep publishing his media day shot even after they ceased doing so.

In the previous season, Butler said to USA Today, “I don’t think it’s right.” “I believe that I ought to have the freedom to style my hair whatever I choose. It is intended that you use my photo from media day.

“Restore my hair to its original state; I adore that style on myself.”

Photo editors, take note.

Despite Lillard’s absence from Butler’s Heat squad, Butler expressed his happiness for Dame to be wherever he is desired.

“I’m glad Dame is where he’s desired and has a chance to contend for a championship. Butler said, “I’m also happy for Adrian Griffin because it’s good for him to be a first-year head coach and have some guys like you have.”

It’s true that I will remain true to myself. As I have said every year, I will continue to defeat Dame, Giannis, and Adrian Griffin en route to a championship. This year, as with every previous year, I mean it.”

If the Heat had done enough to develop around him to contend for a title, was the question posed to him.

Yes, Butler said, “we’re straight.” “As I constantly say, I am aware of my abilities. I am aware of my guys’ abilities. Thus, we’ll keep playing basketball together as a team and hope to make it to the Finals in some way.

“We’re going to prevail this time. You guys will say that we were fortunate.