Stephen Curry, the standout player for the Golden State Warriors, recently declared himself to be the greatest point guard in NBA history. Many others disagree, despite the fact that his accomplishments with the Warriors and the way his three-point shooting revolutionized the NBA lend some credence to his argument.

“All right, so if he wins more than five titles, more than three MVPs in the Finals, and more than three league MVPs, then he’s the greatest,” Johnson said to Gelb. “He’s the best if he surpasses the records set by him for assists in the Finals, double-doubles in the playoffs and Finals, triple-doubles in the NBA playoffs, and steals in the playoffs—if he surpasses those figures.”

“He’s the best if he has more than all those things,” Johnson continued. “However, he doesn’t as of the last time I checked.”
Naturally, Johnson touted all of his accomplishments as his own. It’s also reasonable to say that Curry still has a long way to catch up. To catch Johnson, he needs two NBA Finals MVP titles, one NBA title, and one regular MVP award.