Jeanie Buss, president of the Los Angeles Lakers, chooses a player who many would not have predicted

The president of the Los Angeles Lakers, the outspoken Jeanie Buss, has surprised NBA fans by naming her team’s star player as the league’s MVP from the previous season.

She chose one of her own guys, so it’s no surprise that Anthony Davis was her pick for MVP.

And then the team clicked, and Anthony Davis was healthy, and one could make the case that he was the best player in the NBA while he was playing,” Buss said, looking back on the season, on The Athletic NBA Show.

The views of Buss’ supportersThere was no holding back the responses from NBA fans, some of whom found the accusations humorous and others who strongly disagreed.One fan commented, “I understand an owner schilling for their players, but there is no argument that can be made that Davis was the best player, it’s Jokic and everyone else.”

Perhaps two or three years ago, but even then you have to disregard his NO performance because the team was not expecting much and gave him free reign to use his talents.Last year, Davis put up 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 2.0 blocks, and 1.1 steals a game.

The Lakers beаt the Memphis Grizzlies and the Golden State Warriors in the playoffs thanks to his efforts, but they ultimately lost to the Denver Nuggets.